Monday, May 25, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Sarah Palin is SO Cool! We'll be posting videos that show how tough, courageous and absolutely funny she is. Also, we will try to create a few videos about how totally super she is, also.

We hope to follow her path from Alaska Governor to President to Secretary General of the United Nations to also absolutely fantastic ruler of the world.

Stay in touch, fellow Sarah worshipers!

You betcha!


  1. Wow, I just had to shake my head a few times (that "brain rattling sound" was audible as well) when I saw your blog entry re: SarahTV......ha, ha, ha on me. Gosh, I'd had just enough beer to believe that you'd gone over to the dark side (beer disables my irony gene :-)

    Look forward to what you have to say here on your brand new "soapbox". Love your blog and all of your insights into Alaskan and world politics.

  2. Hey Phil,
    So glad you are setting this up to bring some of the more notable "Sarah" moments to the public. This is just the sort of thing our Sarah so richly deserves!

  3. I am so also certain that too our Sarah will hope that this attention progresses her progress too there also.

  4. Priceless! I look forward to seeing more, also too!
